The City of Graham Municipal Court provides citizens with a fair and impartial court of law by interpreting and adjudicating applicable state laws and city ordinances. Our pledge is to uphold this commitment and offer courteous customer service to all citizens.
The Municipal Court has jurisdiction in most misdemeanor traffic offenses. The Court also has jurisdiction (with certain statutory exceptions) in misdemeanor offenses of underage possession of alcohol, possession of marijuana (less than one ounce) and theft by shoplifting. The Court also handles local ordinance violations, including parking violations and Rule NISIs.
Honorable Judge David Pittman
Court Clerk Vanessa Vann
9659 Golden Isle W. Graham, GA 31513 • ph: (912) 367-2202 fax: (912) 367-5000
Court Clerk Hours of operation: Monday through Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM
City Hall is closed on holidays
Probation Services: Middle Georgia Probation • (912) 379-1002

City Hall
Frequently Asked Questions
What time is my hearing?
The time, date and location of the hearing should be listed on your citation. If you need further assistance please call (912) 367-2202.
What if I need special assistance?
If you do not understand the english language please let us know prior to your court date. Si no entiende el idioma inglés, informe a la ciudad antes de su día en el tribunal. llame al secretario de la corte o acuda al ayuntamiento. If you are disabled and require assistance from the court please notify us in advance at (912) 367-2202 so that we may better assist you.
What should I do if I cannot appear at my hearing?
If you are not able to appear in court, contact the court clerk at least 5 business days before your scheduled hearing at (912) 367-2202. If you do not appear at your hearing and fail to notify the court, a warrant may be issued for your arrest and your driver's license may be suspended. If your citation does not require a mandatory court appearance, you can avoid appearing in court by paying the fine prior to your court date. If you have questions please call (912) 367-2202. Be advised: No case shall be postponed or removed from the calendar except by the Judge.
I don't have a babysitter. May I bring my child to court?
Please do not bring children to court unless the court has ordered them to be present. Many topics discussed in the courtroom are not appropriate for children and may be hurtful or confusing. Children could also become disruptive during court proceedings. Please arrange for a friend or relative to watch your child(ren) while you are in court.
What is the amount of my fine?
Please navigate to the Bond Schedule page. If you have questions, you may call us at (912) 367-2202.
Is my citation a mandatory court appearance?
Please navigate to the Bond Schedule page of this website. You may download a list of offenses which will show which offenses require a mandatory appearance in court. If you need assistance please call the court at (912) 367-2202.
Where can I pay my traffic citation?
You may pay online at or mail payment to: 9659 Golden Isle W. Graham, GA 31513 (check payable to Graham Police Department) or you may pay in person, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30AM and 4:30PM at 9659 Golden Isle W. Graham, GA 31513. You can also pay by phone at 1-844-847-1744.
How can I contact my Probation Officer?
Graham Municipal Court contracts with Middle Georgia Probation for probation services. You may reach them at (912) 379-1002 or visit for more information about Probation Services.
How do I obtain an attorney if I cannot afford one?
Everyone charged with a crime or criminal case has the right to have an attorney appointed if he or she cannot afford an attorney. Before an attorney can be appointed, the court must determine if you qualify for an appointed attorney by having you complete a financial assessment and affidavit. There is a $50.00 application fee for indigent defense representation unless waived by the court. Click here for the Financial Affidavit. For more information please call (912) 367-2202.
What does my signature on the bottom of the citation mean?
Your signature on the bottom of the citation is not an admission of guilt. It means that you know that you received a copy of the citation and that you will either pay the fine or appear in court on the date indicated. Refusing to sign the citation may result in the officer bringing you to the traffic violations bureau to post bond per OCGA 40-13-2.1.
Will you report my citation to my insurance company?
Courts do not report any violation to your insurance company. Your insurance company has the right to review your driving record and can see that you were issued a citation. If your insurance company reviews your driving history, and sees any traffic violations on it, including any violations to which you entered a nolo plea, the company will decide how the violation(s) affects your policy, and your rates could increase. Courts are not involved with this process at all.
How do I clear a license suspension for failure to appear?
You will first have to pay your fine at the City of Graham Court Clerk’s Office. Once the fine has been paid, you will obtain, from the court clerk’s office and submit to the Department of Driver Services, a release from (DPS912) to clear your license. Paying the fine DOES NOT CLEAR YOUR DRIVER’S LICENSE with the Department of Driver Services. Contact the Department of Driver Services for reinstatement information. Their website is and their Phone number is: 678-413-8400. Reinstatements may be made via the DDS Website, by mail, and in person. DDS charges a reinstatement fee.
If I am found guilty at trial, can I appeal?
Yes. You have the right to appeal. If you are appealing a judgment in a case involving a traffic violation, the appeal is governed by O.C.G.A. § 40-13-28. If you are appealing a judgment involving a violation of a City Ordinance, the appeal is by petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the Superior Court, pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 5-4-3, et. seq. You should carefully review, and be aware of, all legal requirements in pursuing any appeal.
How do I request a reduction of speed for my speeding charge?
You may download and print a waiver and plea of guilty to a lesser charge form by clicking here. The form must be notarized and returned to the Clerk of Court with full fine payment prior to the scheduled court date. In misdemeanor, traffic and municipal ordinance cases, upon the request of a defendant who has made, in writing, a knowing, intelligent and voluntary waiver of his right to be present, the court may accept a plea of guilty or nolo contendere in absentia.
What options are available for a young person who received a traffic citation?
A driver between the ages of 15 and 16 years old will be referred to the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice for further action. Drivers between the ages of 17 and 21 years of age may elect to attend a driver safety class. Successful completion of the class may result in dismissal of the charges. For a list of driver safety classes click here. For PRIDE Class in Appling County click here
My loved one was arrested by Graham Police. Where is he/she and how can I bail him/her out of jail?
For more information on release procedures please click here.
Do I have a right to a jury trial for a traffic citation?
Yes. However, the Graham Municipal Court does not conduct jury trials so your case will have to be transferred to the Appling County State Court. The decision to transfer your case to a state court is an important decision based on many factors. It could be advantageous to transfer your case to the county, however, it could also be a big mistake and result in a much harsher sentence in your case. The decision to bind-over or transfer a case should be made carefully and only after consulting with an experienced criminal defense lawyer who specializes in this area.
How do I obtain a copy of the court hearing?
All Municipal Court hearings are recorded and stored at City Hall for a minimum of two years from the date of hearing. Copies of such recordings are available through a public records request to the Court Clerk.